Stock our shelves

Give Help and Hope Today.

Your support is urgently needed to feed the neighbors suffering from hunger who will soon turn to City Rescue Mission for a hot meal to warm their bodies and spirits.

Help fill plates and change lives with your gift today! Just 1 meal leads to:

  • Nights of safe shelter
  • Warm clothing and hygiene items
  • Faith-based guidance and recovery

There’s no time to wait – help us stock our pantry shelves by September 30!

A meal at the Mission is only $2.15, but this Thanksgiving season, it can open the door to a whole new life for our struggling neighbors.


How your gifts are used

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Unaudited Fiscal Year 2021 – 2022 Information

76.3% Program Services $4,364,486
15.2% PR & Fundraising $869,465
8.5% Management & General $486,214

Click below to make your gift through PayPal: