Holiday Video

Give Help and Hope Today.

When Chris walked through our doors, it was a last resort. He’d been experiencing homelessness, and was convinced he was unworthy of God’s love. “Before I came to the Mission, I was being dragged down by addiction, trying to party away the negative emotions and pain,” he says.

You can welcome people like Chris by providing a meal…
and help set him on a path to new life!

Give now to offer care and resources that save lives at the Mission:

  • Shelter & rest in a safe, sober environment
  • Christ-centered counseling to break destructive patterns
  • Faith-based classes to develop healthy ways of coping
  • Workforce development to rebuild stable lives

So many of our neighbors are ready to take the first step out of homelessness.
You can help them! Please make your most generous donation today!


How your gifts are used

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Unaudited Fiscal Year 2021 – 2022 Information

76.3% Program Services $4,364,486
15.2% PR & Fundraising $869,465
8.5% Management & General $486,214

Click below to make your gift through PayPal: